For knotless joining of elastomeric core/staple cotton, cotton yarn, single,plied, compact, o.E. And mercerised.
Combined with the A.T.S. system, AQUASPLICER 4923B can be attached to traditional winding and twisting machines with specific fittings catering for vertical movement when applied to warping creels for top to tail transfer.
The joining capacity of the AQUASPLICER 4923B covers a count range from Ne 3 to Ne 200.
The AQUASPLICER 4925B has been designed to splice elastomeric core/staple cotton yarns, as well as the complete range of yarns usually spliced by code 4923B.

The knotless joining of particular yarns solely by compressed air does not always produce sufficiently strong joints for adequate performance in the downstream processes
An efficient and original ends preparation system followed by a splicing blast where water and air are combined in pre-determined proportions produces very strong and imperceptible joints on hygroscopic yarns such as linen or cotton.
Utilizing a common water supply, the joining area of the device is completely sealed from other parts of the unit, ensuring cleanliness and reducing maintenance to an absolute minimum.
After the introduction of the yarn ends, the pressure of a trigger by the operator activates the Actuator (Code 390B), which automatically performs the entire cycle, producing the optimum results without any particular operator skills.
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