Auto-Chroma IR “click-valve”* Infra-red dyeing machine. The only Lab Infra-red dyeing machine that works on fill it & shut it principle.

Autochroma ir

The essential innovative advantages of this dyeing machine are:

  • Easy of use
  • Touch screen control panel
  • Save and recall memory system
  • Low liquor ratio dyeing is possible
  • Auto-Chroma IR excludes the negative effect called “temperature dips and hot spots” which influences dyeing results among samples of the same type
  • Time factor: important dyeing time reduction due to the automatic dosing of dyestuffs alkali and auxiliaries
  • Dye accuracy factor: due to micro-metric step-by-step dosing and the fact that the machine does not need to be stopped (unlike other IR machines with manual/syringe dosing)
  • Reproducibilityfactor: due to the special (patented) pot design the sample absorbs the colour in an absolute perfect manner
  • Ergonomic factor: definitively the most silent IR machine nowadays available
  • Auto-Chroma IR is built entirely out of the best quality stainless steel, practically indestructible

Main features

  • Programmed temperature control for raise, hold, and cooling
  • Automatic dosing control of auxiliary products
  • Ideal to dye pieces of fabrics, yarns, fibres and blends. Suitable for all types of dyes, and dyeing methods
  • This fully automatic chemical dosing and temperature & time control is achieved by a specially designed round dye pot. Each pot has 2 special automatic dosing reservoirs with a “click-valve” (patented)
  • The temperature range for heating and cooling is ambient to +135°C,rate of heatingfrom +0,1 up to +2°C/min
  • Cooling by means of water heat exchanger and air circulation fan above 500 m³/hour
  • The automatic dosing eliminates the stop&start operations, e.g. stops to add dye, stop to add alkali, and so on.
  • The instrument is equipped with an elegant colour touch screen
  • The machine is supplied with several dyeing programs designed by experts (e.g. Pes, Cot, Cot/Pes, Wool, etc.).
  • A special (patented) 300 cc round pot is available, and can be used for any liquor ratio covering the following volumes: 100 - 150 - 200 - 250 and 300 cc.
  • The maximum number of pots on a standard machine is 12.
  • The saved programs can be easily recalled again for the next occasions of dyeing, so even a small change to a standard program is saved, e.g. if an additional auxiliary is added for turquoise shades, that program is saved in the machine and can be recalled when lab trials of turquoise colours is undertaken.

Product sheets

Product sheets


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Autochroma ir