BURNIE & BURNADETTE Flame - Flash Fire Manikins

Thermetrics’ advanced Flame Test Manikin system is a complete turn-key package, with male or female manikin form, control electronics, modular burn chamber, PC computer and burn prediction software, allowing the operator to characterize the performance of garments or protective clothing ensembles in a simulated flash fire environment having controlled heat flux, flame distribution, and duration.

Burnie and burnadette flash fire test manikins


  • Manikin shell is constructed from a non-degrading ceramic composite material that is completely fireproof and will not combust or char
  • Standard mounting support and cable pass-thru located at the back of the neck for minimum influence on garment fit and flame exposure
  • 134 Copper guarded disc calorimeters are robust and proven technology for years of continuous service
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Burnie and burnadette flash fire test manikins