To determine the count of slivers, rovings, and yarns, as well as the fabric weight per m².

COUNT ANALYSER II consists of an electronic counter (with microprocessor, built-in data management software, digital display, built-in mini printer) and high-precision electronic balance (to be selected from a wide range).

1666 Count analyser II IMG 0456 mod

Available measuring systems

Nm/m, Nec/yd, Nec/m, Nec/yd(inch), den, dtex, Tex, KTex (gr/m), g/m², grains/yd, g, YSW.

Statistical data

  • average,
  • min and max count,
  • standard deviation (sigma),
  • CV%,
  • Range %,
  • IC% (95%),
  • upper and lower limits.

Sample length or area settable for the different measuring systems, from min 0,01 up to max. 999,99 (m, inch, yd or m²).

A diagram of distribution is created.

Two different testing methods available: simplified and normal counting

The normal counting allows the analysis per different testing groups, and the evaluation of the results distribution referred to a pre-set normal count.

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Depending on the weight of the sample to be tested, the following balances are available:

Electronic balance (code 165.762)

  • 620 g capacity
  • 0,01g resolution
  • pan size Ø 150 mm (suitable for yarns)

Electronic balance (code 165.756)

  • 320 g capacity
  • 0,001 g resolution
  • pan size Ø 120 mm (ideal for synthetic filaments and fine yarns count testing)

As optional, other models can be selected from a wide range.

Reference Standards

UNI EN ISO 2060, ISO 2060, ISO 3801, ISO 9073-1, ISO 3374, UNI EN 29073-1, UNI EN 12127, UNI 5114, UNI 8014-2/3/4, BS 2471, ASTM D1907, ASTM D2646, ASTM D3776

Accessories (3)
Balance 165 762

Electronic balance - 620 g capacity - 0,01g resolution - pan size Ø 150 mm (Code 165.762)

Suitable for yarns

Balance 165 756

Electronic balance - 320 g capacity - 0,001 g resolution - pan size Ø 120 mm (Code 165.756)

Ideal for synthetic filaments and fine yarns count testing

As optional, other models can be selected from a wide range.

Product sheets

Product sheets


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1666 Count analyser II IMG 0456 mod