Instrument to test tearing resistance of cloths, artificial leather, paper

Elmendorf 275a

Interchangeable pendulums available

Pendulum 1.600 g capacity

Code 275A.126

Pendulum 3.200 g capacity

Code 275A.128

Pendulum 6.400 g capacity

Code 275A.130

Reference Standards

UNI EN ISO 13937-1, UNI EN ISO 4674-2, UNI EN ISO 6383-2, UNI EN ISO 1974, ASTM D1424, TAPPI T414, GB/T 3917.1, ASTM D751, FZ/T 75001, GB/T 455, JIS K1728.2, JIS L1096

Accessories (3)

Pendulum 1.600 g capacity (Code 275A.126)

Pendulum 3.200 g capacity (Code 275A.128)

Pendulum 6.400 g capacity (Code 275A.130)

Product sheets

Product sheets


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Elmendorf 275a