NATI Advanced | 3280C

Suitable for cotton, synthetic, and blended slivers as well as raw cotton material, NATI Advanced is the only instrument presently available on the market measuring and classifying automatically Neps and Trash content in sliver samples of large size, up to 6 m (30 g approximately, depending on sliver count).

By means of an optoelectronic system, NATI Advanced measures Neps, Seed Coat Neps, Trash and Dust, in different size classes:

  • >0,5 ; >0,7 ; >1 mm for Neps/Seed Coat
  • >0,15 ; >0,25 ; >0,50 mm for Trash/Dust.

Transportable and fast in testing large size samples (it takes less than 2 minutes to test 2 g of sliver), it makes daily control of carding department feasible, thus enabling a better quality of carding operation and a better planning of card maintenance.

3280 B C Nati III ed Advanced MG 0078 mod
3280 B C Nati III ed Advanced MG 0078 modNati ingrandimento

Example of obtainable data

Example of test report nati

To complete the cotton profile on raw cotton, NATI Advanced can be linked to CONTEST-F2 for a full cotton quality classification

The combined and simultaneous use of NATI Advanced with CONTEST-F2 allows them to share the same graphical user interface of CONTEST-F2, appearing on the same screen and on the same printout, including the following fiber testing data:

  • Neps count/g [>0.5 mm]
  • Neps count/g [>0.7 mm]
  • Seed Coat Neps count/g [>1.0 mm]
  • Total Neps count/g [>0.5 mm]
  • Dust count/g [>0.15 mm]
  • Trash count/g [>0.25 mm]
  • Total Trash count/g [>0.15 mm].

Discover CONTEST F-2
Accessories (3)

Mini thermal printer (Code 3280A.136)


Trolley (Code 3280.900)


Electronic high precision balance (Code 165.756)


Product sheets

Product sheets


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3280 B C Nati III ed Advanced MG 0078 mod