Yarn inspection machine, for the visual assessment of yarn imperfections - such as hairiness, neps, regularity, and general appearance.

Planofil 2520A
- Electrical instrument to assess yarn imperfections - such as hairiness, neps, regularity, and general appearance
- Electronic speed adjustment
- For very coarse and bulky woollen and blended yarns, a particular model is available, PLANOFIL PLUS (Code 2520.290), which consists of a set of special pulleys for a wider separation of coils
- Two black boards are supplied with Planofil
- Version equipped without CE safety cover: Code 2520

Planofil Two 2521A
- This special model allows to wind at the same time on the same table two yarns with the same count, enabling a quicker preparation of the board (50% time saving) and a better and immediate visual comparison between the two wound yarns
- Two black boards are supplied with Planofi Kit Two
- Version equipped without CE safety cover: Code 2521

Reference Standards
ASTM D2255 (for regular cotton yarns).
Versions (4)
Accessories (5)
Planofil (Code 2520A)
One-yarn winding version with CE safety cover
Planofil Two (Code 2521A)
Two-yarn winding version with CE safety cover
Planofil (Code 2520)
One-yarn winding version without CE safety cover
Planofil Two (Code 2521)
Two-yarn winding version without CE safety cover
Black board (Code 2520.580)
- For Planofil
- Optional
White board (Code 2520.590)
- For Planofil
- Optional
Set of special pulleys for bulky yarns (Code 2520.290)
- For Planofil & Planofil Two
- Optional
Black board (Code 2520.610)
- For Planofil Two
- Optional
White board (Code 2520.620)
- For Planofil Two
- Optional
Product sheets
Product sheets
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