Automatic moisture regain oven designed to measure moisture regain and humidity content percentage in textile materials according to ISO, ASTM, IWTO, UNI, UNI EN ISO Standards.

  • Software and PC operated
  • Quick sample drying (in about 10 min.) by suction cycle.
  • Adjustable drying temperature ranging up to +140°C.

172B scirocco IMG 0354 mod

Testing procedure details

The cabinet automatically continues weighing until the sample attains a stable dry mass.

The computer evaluates the difference among consecutive weighings and the test stops when the difference between 2 consecutive weighings is lower than 0,05%.

It is possible to determine the duration of the first drying cycle as well as the duration of the further 9 cycles.

The basket tare is recorded according to the basket code.

Ambient humidity and temperature values can be entered in order to obtain automatically the correction of the dry mass (for this purpose, the table of correction coefficient is available in the software).

SCIROCCO is equipped with PC, electronic balance (2200 g capacity/0,01 g accuracy), colour printer, and LCD monitor

Printed report of test parameters and final results, such as:

  • sample code,
  • basket code,
  • date of basket gauging,
  • weight of wet sample,
  • weight of dry sample,
  • dry percentage

A graph for temperature monitoring can be displayed during the test.

Example of report

Example of report scirocco

Example of printout of Scirocco oven: final results of a sample in stock to be shipped and invoiced at the official humidity regain rate.

Example of printout of Scirocco oven
Libeccio SEO


A semi-automatic model is also available (Code 245B “Libeccio”, without PC and software management), where the activation of the heating and weighing steps needs operator manual attendance.

Reference Standards

UNI EN ISO 2060, ISO 2060, ISO 6348, ISO 6741-1, ISO 6741-2, ISO 6741-3, ASTM D1576, ASTM D2495, IWTO 33 - 03, IWTO 34 - 98, UNI 1335, UNI 9213-1, UNI 9213-2, UNI 9213-3, UNI 9213-4, UNI 9213-5, UNI 9213-6.

Versions (2)

Scirocco (Code 172B)

Fully automatic

Libeccio (Code 245B)


Product sheets

Product sheets


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172B scirocco IMG 0354 mod