Recommended model to dry samples washed by Wascator (Code 310B.)

  • Capacity: 5 kg
  • Timer: 99,99 min
  • Equipped with electronic processor for accurate temperature control within ±1°C

3111 tumble dryer IMG 0272 mod

Reference Standards

UNI EN ISO 6330, ISO 6330, AATCC 135, M&S P1A, M&S P3A, M&S P3B, M&S P4A, M&S P12, M&S P91, M&S P99A, M&S P134

310B wascator IMG 0278 mod


High-precision washing machine officially acknowledged as a standard reference for fabric washing tests.

Wascator is also suitable to check the effects of washing detergents and chemical products.


Product sheets

Product sheets


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3111 tumble dryer IMG 0272 mod