Essential equipment to prepare sliver or roving samples of preset length for further count or CLSP measurement

Wrap reels for sliver and rovings
254 A B Electronic Reels IMG 7940 mod

Electronic reels | 254A-B

  • Available drum circumference:
    • 1 meter (Code 254A)
    • 1 yard (Code 254B).
  • Adjustable drum speed: from 0 to 100 m/min, with ±1 cm accuracy.
  • Automatic stop at preset length.
  • Designed to prevent any possible drawing of the fiber sample.
  • Ideal to eliminate the human error and reduce the CV% in the count analysis.
  • Equipped with digital counter, bobbin holder and cutter.
159 A 159 B Aspino a tamburello mod con stoppino

Hand operated reels | 159A-B

  • Available drum circumference:
    • 1 meter (Code 159A)
    • 1 yard (Code 159B).
  • Equipped with digital counter, bobbin holder and cutter.
Technical data
TypeReel circumferenceCode
Electronic1 m254A
1 yd254B
TypeReel circumferenceCode
Hand operated1 m159A
1 yd159B

Product sheets

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Wrap reels for sliver and rovings