AQUA-LAB | 2450A-B

Moisture analysis in fibers and yarns is of paramount importance in both textile trade and final product quality evaluation. Moisture variation can lead to serious quality issues such as “barré” defects, dimensional stability problems, etc.

AQUA-LAB is an innovative instrument for fast and accurate measurement of the moisture regain and humidity content in textile materials.

Its measurement speed allows high volume control of moisture throughout every stage of the textile chain, increasing consequently the productivity and the efficiency of the process, as well as the final product quality.

2450 A B Aqua Lab IMG 21 05 2023

How it works

The measurement principle of Aqua-Lab is based on an innovative low-power resonance technology.

Its calibration algorithm associates the mass-independent microwave moisture values measured by AQUA-LAB with the moisture regain values measured by the drying oven (the only reference instrument for measuring the moisture content of textile fibers). Aqua-Lab absolute value correlation with the regain oven (drying system) makes it indispensable for commercial transactions, pricing management and QC monitoring.

Specific preset calibrations are available for different textile materials, easily selectable by the operator from the starting menu.


The complete AQUA-LAB (Code 2450) is equipped with two sensors:

  • one for fibers (loose fibres, tops, slivers, etc)
  • one for yarn packages (cones, roving cops, etc)

However, the system can be supplied equipped with one sensor only: for fibers (Code 2450A) or for yarn packages (Code 2450B)

Aqualab 2450

Main features

  • Fast, real-time measurement.
  • High repeatability and reproducibility of results.
  • Perfect correlation with oven-drying.
  • Suitable for any textile fibres and yarns such, for example, cotton, linen, wool, cashmere, viscose, silk, acrylic, synthetics as well as blends.
  • No sample weighing or preliminary preparation of the sample is required.
  • Non-destructive method, no waste of material.
  • Simple test execution, which can be performed by unskilled personnel as well.
  • Results are not influenced by the weight of the sample, by its dimensions, its density and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity).
  • Very low power consumption.
  • Cost-saving: accurate control of water content in raw material
  • Easy maintenance: no consumables, no wear.
  • Ethernet available (connection to central data collection system).
  • The low-power microwave radiations released do not endanger the end user.
  • Compact and robust instrument that does not require special environmental conditions to operate properly

AQUA-LAB recognition

At the 32nd International Bremen Cotton Conference, the ITMF International Committee on Cotton Testing Methods (ICCTM) gave full recognition to AQUA-LAB

Versions (3)

AQUA-LAB (Code 2450)

FULL VERSION with both fiber and cone sensors

AQUA-LAB (Code 2450A)

FIBER SENSOR VERSION to control raw material and tops

AQUA-LAB (Code 2450B)

YARN CONE SENSOR VERSION to control cones and roving packages

Product sheets

Product sheets


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2450 A B Aqua Lab IMG 21 05 2023