Fully automatic dyeing machine, from pre-treatment to washing off.
- Load unload principle (similar to bulk)
- It can dye yarn skeins and fabrics made of any dyeable fibers and their blends

Main features
- All parameters are fully programmable, including Auto Dosing
- Equipped with about 50 selectable different dyeing programs, each with graphic display
- Basic model endowed with 3 automatic dosing tanks.
- To obtain a fully automatic version, 2 additional dosing pumps can be added to each dyeing unit
- Up to 6 dyeing positions, either H.T. (+135°C) or atmospheric (+98°C), or combined. Each dyeing position is independent.
- Models with different bath capacity are also available (300 cc, 600 cc, 1600 cc, 6000 cc).
- On demand, the instrument can be equipped with dyeing positions having different bath capacity
- Suitable to create processes and plan batches online like for bulk machines
- Thanks to the fully automation and to the very high precision, Giotto Dyeing Machine can obtain the same results reached by the production machineries on the laboratory samples dyed according to the same processes and recipes.
- Liquor ratio from 1:7 up to 1:40 (depending on GSM of fabric to be dyed).
- Continuous programmable Reduction clearance possible (for PES and its blends), that allows for continuous dyeing of PES Blends
- Excellent repeatability within one bath and reproducibility among baths - delta (<0,4 CMC 2:1) and RFT (> 95%).

A single-position machine with 9000 cc tank capacity is also available, Giotto HT 9000 (Code 323T6.216), ideal for a combined use with DYE SCANNER or with LAB KNITTER, to determine the dyeing affinity and to check, after dyeing, the presence of any faults inside the fabrics.
Giotto HT 9000 (+135°C) is also suitable for dyeing polyester fabrics and yarns and for the final “stripping” on dyed polyester fabrics.
For samples with a max. dry weight of 300 g.
Versions (2)
Giotto HT (Code 323T6)
Giotto HT 9000 (Code 323T6.216)
Single-position machine with 9000 cc tank capacity
Product sheets
Product sheets
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