For the evenness control of slivers, rovings and yarnsmade of both natural and synthetic/manmade fiber.

Mt evennes tester cover

Thanks to the use of high quality capacitive sensor, MT EVENNESS TESTER can measure, analyse, calculate and display (with related printout) the following data:

  • mass variation diagram
  • 160 channels spectrograph to analyse the wave length spectrogram
  • CV% and U% of mass variations
  • AVE% (relative yarn count)
  • I.P.I. with an indication of thin places, thick places and neps
  • D.R.% (deviation rate %)
  • C.V.% (L) referred to 4 lengths
  • Diagram of mass variation both in “inert” and “1/2 inert” way
  • Index of regularity ( I )

The instrument is supplied with a personal computer with Windows OS.

2341 MT evenness tester senza 5 mod

Technical features:

  • Count range: from 35 g/m (sliver) to Ne 150 max (yarn) - beyond this range, it is recommended to evaluate from time to time.
  • Sample speed: from 8 to 400 m/min.
  • 160 channels spectrograph.
Accessories (3)
299 A acc IMG 1000 mod

24-position Auto Cop Changer (A.C.C.) (Code 299A)

H-Sensor, hairiness sensor to evaluate the yarn hairiness (Code 2342)


Mobile vertical creel

Yarn creel up to 24 spindles (Code 200)

Product sheets

Product sheets


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Mt evennes tester cover