TENSO-LAB 1000 - 5000 | 2515-2516

Two-column universal electronic strength tester, built according to CRE (Constant Rate of Extension) testing principle, developed to meet the high-quality testing requirements of universities, research institutes and leading companies.

Tensolab 1000 5000

Main features

  • Maximum capacity:
    • 5000 kg (50 kN), Code 2515
    • 1000 kg (10 kN), Code 2516.
  • Suitable to test also technical textiles, geo-textiles, non-woven and industrial textiles in general.
  • Twin ball bearing screws ensure the smooth movement of the crossbar, sliding between two reinforced guide columnsthat prevent any deformation of the framework.
  • Speed range: from 0.5 to 500 mm/min
  • Maximum travel of the crossbar: 1200 mm (without clamps)
  • Inner distance between the columns: 400 mm
  • Developed to be used with a wide range of easily interchangeable load cells and clamps, both mechanical and pneumatic.
  • Tenso-Lab 1000 and 5000 are PC-controlled and can perform a full range of tests, included traction, compression, tearing, delamination, adhesion, seam slippage tests and hysteresis cycles, according to specific international standards.
  • A Mechanical Extension Device is available as optional, for a further check of elongation on very rigid samples with low intrinsic elongation.

Compliance with testing methods

  • The Tenso-Lab series complies with a variety of testing methods ISO, UNI, UNI EN, UNI EN ISO, ASTM, M&S, NEXT, JIS, etc.
  • Officially approved by Marks & Spencer.
  • ISO 17025 Calibration Certificate (Accredia - ILAC) available on demand.

Some of the available clamps for Dual Column Strength Tester

Morsetti 2510 978

Pneumatic clamps for delicate yarns (POY, Lycra, cotton, worsted yarns), 20N max capacity, Code2510.978

Morsetti 2510 982

Pneumatic clamps for standard yarns and sewing threads, 50N max capacity, Code 2510.982

Morsetti 2510 994

Mechanical clamps for normal yarns, 30N capacity, Code 2512E.994

Morsetti 2510 980

Clamps for high tenacity yarns with conical introducer, Code 2510.980

Morsetti 2510 995 2510 996

Mechanical clamps for high tenacity yarns, Scott 300, Code 2510.996

Morsetti 2510 990

LEA clamps for hanks, Code 2512E.990

Morsetti 2510 920

Self-tightening high tenacity clamps for ribbons, 100 mm wide, Code 2512E.920

Morsetti high tenacity ropes

Self-tightening high tenacity clamps for ropes, Code 2515.988

Morsetti 2510 964 2510 950

Pneumatic maxi clamps with rubber jaws for high tenacity & heavy fabrics, 100 mm wide, Code 2510.130

Morsetti 2510 900

Mechanical clamps with rubber jaws, 100 mm wide, Code 2510.846

Morsetti 2510 904

Mechanical clamps for non-woven and geo-textiles, (EN ISO 10319), 200 mm width, with rubber jaws, Code 2515.142

Tenso Lab adhesion peel bond kit

Adhesion peel bond kit (roller type, UNI EN ISO 11644; IUF 470; UNI EN 388 Annex C, 2017). Available on demand

Morsetti 02510 690

CBR perforation Testing Kit for non-wovens (EN ISO 12236, UNI 8279-14), Code 2510.690

Morsetti 2510 681

Perforation Testing Kit according to EN 388 Standard, Code 2510.681

Morsetti 02510 800

Perforation/punching Testing Kit (ASTM D6797, ISO 90735), Code 2512E.799

Tenso Lab compression test set

Compression Test Set. Available on demand

Technical data
Versions (2)
Available load cellsMax. capacity (N)Accuracy (cN)Code
* only for Code 2515, Dual Column Tenso-Lab 5000

Tenso-Lab 5000

Maximum capacity: 5000 kg (50 kN)

Tenso-Lab 1000

Maximum capacity: 1000 kg (10 kN)

Product sheets

Product sheets


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Tensolab 1000 5000